Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 14 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 17 Today's Topics: "Green selector" virus? 44 Meg cartridge drive reliability 80N86 Emulation. Airball AmigaFS Editors GCR with overscan? Grad School Plea: Please read this Hard Drive Backup Help with dungeon master Hermes UUCP package Monitor question new uud version PD C compilers for ST SKATES.PRG boot problem Specification for OMTI 5400 needed SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST? STBook (Notebook computer) STe's Uniterm TOS Error 35 Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 14 Jan 92 06:25:21 GMT From: fernwood!portal!! Subject: "Green selector" virus? To: Ian Crighton asks: >I'm only working with some third-hand information here so I apologise for >the lack of detail, but has anyone heard of an ST virus that greets you >with some phrase like "the little green selector"? For all I know this may >not be a virus at all - it could be part of an application that is running - >but I thought that it might ring bells with someone here if it was. And, if >it IS a virus, does anyone know what virus-hunting tools are around that >would help to get rid of it? The "Little Green File Selector" is an alternative file selector written by Charles F. Johnson of CodeHead Software. His Shareware company is called "Little Green Footballs" (don't ask me.. ask him...! :) I don't use that file selector, so I don't know what messages it might print while installing, or while being used, but unless someone has mucked around with it, it's a legitimate and very useful program. I know Charles monitors this newsgroup, but just in case he doesn't see this thread right away, I'll let him know about these concerns, and let him address the issue... BobR ------------------------------ Date: Mon 13 Jan 92 23:00:47-PST From: CLARK@SALK-SC2.SDSC.EDU Subject: 44 Meg cartridge drive reliability To: I'm thinking of picking up a 44 Meg cartridge drive, probably from Toad computers in Maryland. I haven't seen any discussion about the reliability of these devices. We have a couple of these drives at work for Macs, and the feeling there is that they are *not* reliable, but I can't be sure that they have been treated properly. So, how about it - am I about to make a $700 mistake? BTW, I've just moved here to San Diego in chilly Southern California. Can anyone give me pointers to a good Atari shop in the area? Thanks for any help. Steve Clark (Internet) clark@salk (Bitnet) ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 09:05:26 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!keele!nott-cs!warwick!covpoly!! (Brevan Miles (esx070)) Subject: 80N86 Emulation. To: Hello out there, I want to run programs for the IBM PC machines on my ST and as far as I know there are two ways of doing this. 1) Use some emulation software such as PC Ditto. 2) Buy a chip which does the emulation. I have heard the second option can be bought, but what I want to know is, How good is it? How easy is it to install? Where can I get it and how much does it cost? How fast do they run the programs? If anyone out there has, or has seen such emulators, please let me know what they are like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brevan Miles. e-mail: Coventry Polytechnic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I wish I'd bought a PC" ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 07:19:29 GMT From: mcsun!sun4nl!! (Schaaf RF) Subject: Airball To: Hi, Some time ago I bought the game `Airball' and while it was fairly addictive I stopped playing it. The reason is that I couldn't find the `flask.' Is there anyone out there that knows where I can find it? Richard ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 05:28:53 GMT From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: AmigaFS To: In article <8722@ncrwat.Waterloo.NCR.COM> herborth@pinot (Chris Herborth) writes: > In article (Philipp Knirsch) writes: > > }Hmmm... But some copy-programms copy a normaly Amiga-Formated disk without > }problems. So, why should it not be possible to do it?? > } > }Perhaps you are right when you look at single sectors, but i think if i can > }read track by track, that would be enough to build up a AmigaFS > } > }Phil. ( > > You can copy a Spectre formatted (I'm not sure about a straight Mac disk) disk > the same way... The only caveat is that you should override any checks the > program does to find out the disk format. As far as I know, Mac (and Spectre) > disks are _always_ 2 sides, 10 sectors, and 80 tracks. > > So, it _might_ be possible to write a MFS filesystem reader/writer for the > new MiNT loadable filesystems... It _should_ be possible to do an AmigaFS > filesystem... I have a feeling Mac HFS would be either impossible or > incredibly difficult, since Dave Small couldn't do it... > > ----------=========================================================---------- > Chris Herborth herborth@pinot.Waterloo.NCR.COM > Information Products Co-Op > NCR E&M Waterloo > -- > ----------=========================================================---------- > Chris Herborth herborth@pinot.Waterloo.NCR.COM > Information Products Co-Op > NCR E&M Waterloo A few people don't seem to know this, but the Amiga is a 11 sector format with NO CRC checking, it uses Sum Checks, also they don't use the index mark, all this causes problems with a real disk controler.. Also all sector writes are a full track write as they don't use Gaps..!! -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 09:59:40 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!van-bc!jonh.wimsey.b! (John Henders) Subject: Editors To: Can anyone point me to an editor that doesn't insert carriage returns in text that just has linefeeds in it? I need it to create messages to be sent to a unix system. Also, I heard there was a German port of nn. Is it available on any archive sites? -- John Henders Vancouver,BC or ubc.cs!van-bc!jonh!jhenders ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 08:57:41 GMT From:!!!usc!rpi!!!roma!wmag (William Magro) Subject: GCR with overscan? To: Does Spectre GCR work with the overscan modification?????? And on the TT, does it run in the color modes, i.e. TT med res. I know it won't be in color, I am just wondering whether it can run a mono 640x480 mode. Does Spectre GCR do the sound via DMA sound on an STe, or is it done in software, like on the regular ST? Any help is appreciated (of course)! --Bill ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 12:25:47 GMT From: TERMINATOR.CC.UMICH.EDU! Subject: Grad School Plea: Please read this To: As some of you may know, I'll be graduating this May. When I was filling out grad school applications, the idea for a recommendation from the usenet atari community as a whole crossed my mind as something that would be pretty interesting (especially considering how much time I spend with doing archive related stuff :) ). With this in mind, please consider writing a brief note, saying what you think my chances for to complete a graduate degree in statistics are. I realize this is quite difficult, but there are some aspects of my work that some of you have certainly had contact with, such as my organizational skills, my writing ability (Remember the ftp guide, etc.), my teaching ability (ever try to help someone set up gnu c over email, a question at a time?), and so on. Here's how we've set this up to work: 1. You decide you'd like to help me out. You then send a brief not to Fred Swartz, the archive administrator, who has agreed to accept letters. His address is 2. Fred will collect them, print them out, and enclose them in the sealed envelope. I will NOT see these, unless you specifically state that you'd like me to in your letter. 3. Fred will vouch for the authenticity of the e-mail, and sign all the forms. That's really about it. Hopefully, admissions committees will look at this as something original and then with this and everything else admit me to their graduate program in statistics. For the record, I'm currently interested in U of Washington, U of Minnesota, U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and Carnegie-Mellon. There is a number of other schools that I am considering applying to also, but for now these four are it. I'd like to thank all of you who reply, it really means a lot to me. weiner ---------- Jeff Weiner --- --- Umich atari posse Corner of Packard and State, 2nd house from Blue Front on Arbor 718 Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, +1 313 998 0892, near the Univ. of Michigan ------------------------------ Date: 13 Jan 92 10:24:46 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!!!caen!umeecs!um!!uniol!unido!rztsun!ap06! (Ole Marienhagen - 04121/91726 ) Subject: Hard Drive Backup To: In article , (Ray Cole) writes: |> Help!!!! My hard drive has gotten a few flaky spots on it and is in need of |> reformatting, but I have no backup software. Can anyone recommend any to me? |> I'd prefer PD, available through ftp; but will take recommendations on any and |> all software available. If it makes a difference I'm using a homebrew hard |> drive with an ICD Host Adaptor and a Maxtor LX-90 hard drive. I've tried using |> the ICD utilities shipped with the adaptor to rebuild the partitions (after |> shuffling all the data from one partition to another) but it gets so far and |> then stops and gives an error of sense code $FF then suggests reformatting. |> Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. |> |> |> -- |> Ray Cole | |> Computer Consultant | This space for rent or hire |> Manhattan KS USA | Make an offer For Harddiskbackup it gives a programm which are called Turtle. This programm is PD and you can get it on e few ftp Server. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ole Marienhagen Tel.: Germany 04121/91726 Internet: or: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 05:55:46 GMT From: fernwood!portal!! Subject: Help with dungeon master To: Dick Wall asked about iron keys on Level 6 in Dungeon Master.. There's an iron key on the floor in an alcove with some "Torso Plate" armor that's easily missed.. It's in the large area filled with a lot of pillars that's to the right at the "I don't like to be ignored" inscription. That's probably the one you need... BobR DoD#414 ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 05:21:10 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!van-bc!jonh.wims! (John Henders) Subject: Hermes UUCP package To: In <>, Michael Kistenmacher writes: > >Some weeks ago the author told me, that he doesn't want HERMES to go out to >the public until it's out of beta-status. The actual version is 0.991 and >it won't be long 'til it's at 1.0. > Which public does Martin mean? It's already on a German archive site, who's name I can't remember, and on atari.archive over here. -- John Henders Vancouver,BC or ubc.cs!van-bc!jonh!jhenders ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 12:34:06 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!!!!!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: Monitor question To: In article <> (Hanson) writes: > Greetings. I am building an interface cable for the monitor port. > Can I hook up the monochrome & ground? If so, do I need to raise the > monochrome select pin with the 12v on the port as well? Any advice is > welcome. I have a monochrome monitor and a color tv and would like to > be able to see something. BTW it is a 1040STf > > Many thanks. Don't connect the mono detect to any voltage, it is connected to 0 volts if mono, it has its own pull up resistor.. Also a colour TV is not that good, inless it has a Scart RGB input, so be warned... -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Jan 92 10:23 MET From: "Chris Evelo: MFAGKCHR@HMARL5 (BITNET)" Subject: new uud version To: I did some hacking on the v 3.4 source of uudecode. The main reason was that I didn't like all the disk activity when I used uud on my TT harddisk. As a side effect the new version is much faster than the old one. (about 7 fold on my TT when both the new version and 3.3 were run in TT RAM, and when input and output were on the same (rather full) partition of the internal HD. About 3 fold on my ST with megafile 30). Questions: - Should I post this? - Should I call it version 3.5, or is there something like that already? For further info see below: Chris Evelo /* Version 3.5 (CE) * Adapted for Pure C (use TOS.H) * Functionality change: added a 70K buffer for input files * and 20K for output * results in faster decode and less disk activity on atari ST/TT * * Use system(NULL) call to decide whether run from desktop. * No more waiting for keypress when run from shell. * This should help to run uud in the background under MiNT * BTW gulam does not reset the shell_p variable when exited, * therefore uud (and others) will expect that a shell is still * active. Also shell_p is not cleared after a reset (at least * is some TOS versions), you may want some auto folder utility * to clear is for you. Something like this was included in * older gemini packages. * * Prevent all warnings from Pure-C: * Use standard header files * Added ANSI prototypes * Made explicit casts when needed * Completed two ambiguous (but correct) if statements * Added parenthesis to main roll's in decode * * Removed the whole special format stuff, and use printf/puts * this made it eassier to conform to ANSI standards, and will * make it eassier to maintain the source. * (But, it made the binary larger :-( ). * I think it would be a better idea to use the old format * code to get smaller printf and puts functions, and link * them from a separate library, if you really want to gain * 10K of binary size. */ Chris Evelo MFAGKCHR@HMARL5.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 08:44:18 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!edcastle!hwcs! (Neil Forsyth) Subject: PD C compilers for ST To: In article <> leo@ehviea.UUCP (Leo de Wit) writes: >In article <> (Neil Forsyth) writes: >|In article <> (Schaaf RF) writes: >|>On the subject of (PD) C compilers: does anyone know of a C >|>compiler (PD or not PD) that is able to generate fully PC >|>relative code? I would like to be able to move the program >|>around in memory without having to do any relocation. >| >|Good old Megamax C (not Laser C) did this. As a result the programs could not >|have any segments more than 32K. I'm pretty sure this was the case because the >|executables produced had no relocation tables. > >Shouldn't this be: ... any segments more than 64K ... ? Most 68000 C >compilers will use 16 bit address register relative addressing in this >case, and 16 bits --> 64K (one of them being Lattice C, if I remember >correctly). Well I know this is true but when you use a word as an offset in such a way it is treated as a signed number. So the first 32768 offsets are above the base value and the next 32768 are below. Maybe Megamax did use 64K segments. It would have been a little more tricky I guess but definately not impossible. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own ! ! ! ! Neil Forsyth JANET: ! ! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: ! ! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!!neil ! ! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 minutes!" ! +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 05:45:48 GMT From:!!!!miskinis@decw (John Miskinis) Subject: SKATES.PRG boot problem To: >error #52 press a key > >What is going wrong? It has run before. No alt desk tops or boot programs. >1040 Ste w/4meg. Hi, I'm not sure about the STE platform (I have a 1040STF)... ANYWAY, I believe the files must be in a folder named A:\SKATES.JMW in order to run... ANYONE out there know if you can manipulate the skater, other than just steering left and right? _John_ ------------------------------ Date: 13 Jan 92 10:32:36 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!!!caen!umeecs!um!!uniol!unido!rztsun!ap06! (Ole Marienhagen - 04121/91726 ) Subject: Specification for OMTI 5400 needed To: In article , (Jon Clarke) writes: |> (Ole Marienhagen - 04121/91726 ) writes: |> |> > I've the problem, that i want to connect an old MFM harddrive with the |> > OMTI 5400 and an ICD-hostadapter to my ATARI ST. The original ICD-Software |> |> Have you tried to use the OMTI 5520 at all.. |> |> _ |> Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ |> / /\ If that does not work try these address's |> Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARK I'm using the harddrive at the momentr with the OMTI 5520 with an adapter who can be only as a singel applikation at the DMA-port. ANd I want to use the OMTI 5400 because the OMTI 5400 is connected to my SCSI hostadapter, and so i can use my SCSI drive too. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ole Marienhagen Tel.: Germany 04121/91726 Internet: or: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 05:31:18 GMT From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: SST (68030) for the ST. 520ST? To: In article (Jon Clarke) writes: > (John Dillenburg) writes: > > > Mega. IF you don't mind putting your ST in an AT case, then the SST > > is electrically compatible with the old STs. AS of yesterday, the SSTs > > --> Hey do not knock it .. An ST in a clone case works well take it > from me this message is written on such a machine! > > _ > Jon Clarke o( ) STaTus BBS, The Atari BBS in Auckland, NZ > / /\ If that does not work try these address's > Auckland,New Zealand!status!jonc or on GEnie : J.CLARKE6 > Are you saying you are a Clone Jon..:-)...?? or just a Clone of a Atari..!! -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 08:51:52 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!edcastle!hwcs! (Neil Forsyth) Subject: STBook (Notebook computer) To: In article <1992Jan9.181753.13799@atari.uucp> trh@atari.uucp (T R Hall) writes: > Incidently, we _*STRONGLY*_ recommend that future software products >use the industry-standard _PARALLEL PORT_ dongles, which would save you having >to re-invent security algorithms, etc. Using the cartridge port for such >things is not a particularly good engineering practice, and forces us to >maintain an "old-technology" port for a long time. This is from a company that made the cartridge port read only. That put the ST joystick ports in such an inaccessable place that most D shells won't fit (and did the same with the extra STE ports). That uses non-standard DIN and DB connectors on its floppy, video and hard disk ports. Nothing personal Tracey (sp?) but it's been building up. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own ! ! ! ! Neil Forsyth JANET: ! ! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: ! ! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!!neil ! ! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 minutes!" ! +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jan 92 06:01:13 GMT From: fernwood!portal!! Subject: STe's To: Billy D'Augustiine asked about the availability of TOS 2.06 for STe's.. CodeHead Software will be distributing just the TOS 2.06 ROMS for those whose machines will accept the ROMs directly. Give them a call at: 213-386-5735 and ask about pricing and availability. BobR ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Jan 92 09:15:24 CST From: Charlie Turner Subject: Uniterm TOS Error 35 To: Recently I downloaded a copy of Uniterm that was in tar.Z format. I think I successfully un Z'd it and un TAR'd it, but when I try to run uniterm.prg I get a "TOS Error 35". I believe TOS Error 35 means "invalid program load format". Perhaps the unZ or unTAR programs I used caused a problem, although the ASCII text files seem OK after their extraction. I'd welcome any suggestions about how to proceed and get around this TSO Error 35. At the same time, I'm also looking for a site where I might FTP a copy of Uniterm that is in a format more native to PCs like ZIP or ARC. Please post a message if you know of such a site. I originally got this Uniterm from (or some name like that). I couldn't find a Uniterm there except for the tar.Z file. Thanks. ------- Charles Turner Bitnet: charlie@umvma University of Missouri IT/CCF Internet: Columbia, Mo Voice: 314-882-9288 ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************